Wednesday, July 4, 2012

No More Dirt! The Wall Framing Is Done! And I You Can Park In The Garage!

Welcome back yet again! Sorry about the time in between posts! There's been so much progress and now that I have been here to see it in person It is so much bigger in person. One big deal is we don't have any dirt sitting around because the garage foundation was filled in yesterday. Pictures Below!
This is the root that was underground attached to one of the trees we cut down earlier but it came up while filling in the garage foundation. It's still amazing to me how such a small root keeps theses 100' trees from falling down in the wind.
This is the front of the house in plywood. Now all the framing is finished inside except for the loft, but that will be added later after the roof is done.
This picture is of the basement doors (shop and living area) there will be a deck above it that wraps around the house and a small patin outside the basement.
We got to park in the "garage" for the first time!
House from the side before the garage walls were up.
Trash :) Now theres one problem with having a job site up here in the U.P. (if you don't get the U.P. look it up) but anyway, there is only ONE trash/dumpster company and they charge a LOT to have a dumpster on site. So the plan as of now is to STACK until we get the excavators to haul it away.
This is the back of the house door looking into the kitchen. We'll be putting the grill and future hot tub back here.
Inside Framing and amazingly clean floor. Our secret.....Wait till giant storm comes and in the morning everything is washed away

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