Thursday, July 12, 2012

Amazing! There's Just No Other Words For This!

Welcome back! It's nice to have a couple posts this week! Thing are going so fast! We had the big trusses come in a couple days ago and it was a mess, they took out many little trees but were delivered in good condition. Here are some pictures that have truly amazed me on the final look of the cabins roof. I hope you enjoy!

 Below: Truck getting Big trusses to the house
 Below: Dropping trusses off
 Below: The crane lifting the trusses
 Below: Main Celling and Loft Celling Trusses. They look huge compared to the trailer!
 Below: Joe supporting the main trusses
 Below: My mom doing..... Who knows?
 Below: Left side of house, difference between normal celling and the vault celling
 Below: Our workers!! Great Job Guys! Thanks for the help!!! Left to Right. Tim, Paul, Rick, Jay (My Dad) and Joe
 Below: House with trusses from Long Lake
 Below: Our beautiful vault celling and our LOFT!! Looking towards the garage. Loft on top, kitchen below

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