Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wow! We Have Windows!

July is almost over! It's amazing to see how fast this house is being built. A little more than two months ago we were tearing the old cabin down and now we are dried in. (i.e: no more rain in the house) We have the windows in and the home wrap on the outside! Next to come we have the shingles and all the vents. Along with the front porch! Pictures below!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Our Trees Are Now Useable!

Welcome back! So just a quick update again today. We finally got our trees cut up and now we have a ton of useable lumber! The lumber will be used for baseboards, window/door trim and the steps up to the loft/steps down to the basement. Its so exciting to be able to use the wood from our trees in the house that we're building. It'll will add even more meaning to it.

Monday, July 23, 2012

It Looks Like A House!

Just a quick update for you tonight! The house is dried in! Minus the windows of course! This means no more squeegeeing (yep its a real word) the floors and basement!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Roof Has Plywood And Lumber Is Being Cut

Well today we had a guy with a portable mill come by to mill all of our giant logs! Which is going to be so cool to say parts of the house have wood from the trees that were cut down. We have also finished the plywood on the roof and now its really starting to look like a house! Pictures below!

 Cutting the first log
 Just a small piece left
 Front of house
 Front, garage side of house
 House from down the hill
 Even more logs
Rear of house

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Amazing! There's Just No Other Words For This!

Welcome back! It's nice to have a couple posts this week! Thing are going so fast! We had the big trusses come in a couple days ago and it was a mess, they took out many little trees but were delivered in good condition. Here are some pictures that have truly amazed me on the final look of the cabins roof. I hope you enjoy!

 Below: Truck getting Big trusses to the house
 Below: Dropping trusses off
 Below: The crane lifting the trusses
 Below: Main Celling and Loft Celling Trusses. They look huge compared to the trailer!
 Below: Joe supporting the main trusses
 Below: My mom doing..... Who knows?
 Below: Left side of house, difference between normal celling and the vault celling
 Below: Our workers!! Great Job Guys! Thanks for the help!!! Left to Right. Tim, Paul, Rick, Jay (My Dad) and Joe
 Below: House with trusses from Long Lake
 Below: Our beautiful vault celling and our LOFT!! Looking towards the garage. Loft on top, kitchen below

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We Have A Roof!

Hey everyone! So this week we've been getting the trusses for the roof set and even started on the roof! A big shout out to Joe, Paul and Cathy who are my parents good friends for coming 1200 miles away from home to help us out! So thank you very much! Also thanks to Rick and Tim for their help from the demo till now! Anyway, I have some great pictures below!

 House before trusses
 Crane to lift trusses in place getting ready
 Lifting trusses
 Attaching trusses to the walls
 My dad up in the trusses
 Plywood is on the roof over the garage, and notice A LOT more sitting there ready to put up
 The workers, Joe, Paul and my dad Jay
Back part of house and the corner of the family room with trusses

Next we have the Gian trusses for the loft and kitchen, From everything I hear on the phone today it sounds like it was a nightmare getting then in on the truck. The truss company owe us some trees. Those pictures to come later!

Have a great rest of the week!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting Ready For The Trusses!!

Hey Everyone! So I apologize for my last post being quite confusing and without captions for the pictures, I added them tonight so check back to that post first!

I hope you checked it...... Cause this won't look as cool unless you did!

Today the framing of the walls was done and the plywood was put up. Also, yesterday my parents friends Paul and Cathy got to the cabin from Denver to help us out! Which we are so thankful for! I was up for the week this last week for the fourth. It's crazy out on the lake for this holiday and a lot of fun to see my awesome family. So I'll start out with a picture (Below) of what happens on the 3rd of July.

 So what happens is everyone on the Chain Of Lakes that we are in (http://www.spreadeaglechain.org is where you can go to see the chain) comes out on their boats and watches fireworks that are launched from an island in the middle of one of the lakes. It's really amazing to see how many boats come out and see them.
Fireworks (To my Colorado friends who didn't get to see these this summer, there will be a video on here eventually)

But anyway, the cabin is going well. Everything is on schedule and no being here and standing next to it is much bigger than the pictures show. Also, coming up tomorrow I am trading places in Denver with my mom who needs some time away from the city and is going to be here with my dad for their anniversary. Along with helping build of course. And then on Sunday my dad's friend Joe will be up just in time for the trusses to be set!!! Which will be one of the toughest parts of this build knowing that we will have a normal sized roof on part of the house and a giant roof on the other part to accommodate a loft and a truly GREAT family room!

Pictures below!!

First of all, to start off the day yesterday we had the trusses delivered. Now you would think this would be easy right? Think Again. Tight turns, trees, soft sand, heavy truck, giant hills and narrow roads. But without anymore explaining...

So once the driver was able to get the trusses in and drop them off we were able to get back to work on the garage framing.

So we're done with the framing, and ready to bring on the trusses! Thanks for following along! Below are just a couple fun things. The sunset from the future window, some of our baby ducks and the logs that were cut down that will soon be lumber! Have a great weekend!