Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Even More Progress!

Today we had the footings poured for the basement walls of the house and also yet another first for the property! Never has a concrete truck been to the top of the hill where our house is and that is all thanks to the new bridge. Early in the morning there were a couple hiccups with the concrete company having expired license plates on their truck. It is defiantly a different place to build compared to the city! Below are a couple pictures of the work done today. And another fun story below those!

So the other story of the day is that my dad found three baby ducks in the tailgate of his truck. No idea as to how long they have been there or how they got there. They were put in a box and let out behind the trailer. The went straight down the hill to the water and started swimming. No idea where their mom is but hopefully they will be fine out there on the lake. Or maybe they'll end up right back in the truck and my dad will now be a grandpa of three baby ducks along with building a house! Who knows!! Pictures below....

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