Saturday, May 26, 2012

About Time To Start Building!

Well we're done with getting rid of the old cabin and now starting to build!! It's really exciting to see things happening to start! The city decided we needed a silt fence around the construction area to keep dirt and trash from going into the lake. So that is pictured in the first photo below. The rest of the photos are of the foundation/basement being dug out. They had to make the hole much bigger because the property is pretty much all sand and erosion will continue to make the hole smaller especially to how windy it has been.

Thanks for following along!!! Oh, and the last picture should have been posted a while ago. It it Our BUILDING PERMIT and let me say, they are hard to get up here in the north woods! Between getting the variance to build past the 50 feet of required space between the water and a building, to finalizing plans and making adjustments to fulfill building requirements. As some of you saw how the old house was supported (i added that picture also) these days the city requires a lot more thought into building a house!

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