Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Even More Progress!

Today we had the footings poured for the basement walls of the house and also yet another first for the property! Never has a concrete truck been to the top of the hill where our house is and that is all thanks to the new bridge. Early in the morning there were a couple hiccups with the concrete company having expired license plates on their truck. It is defiantly a different place to build compared to the city! Below are a couple pictures of the work done today. And another fun story below those!

So the other story of the day is that my dad found three baby ducks in the tailgate of his truck. No idea as to how long they have been there or how they got there. They were put in a box and let out behind the trailer. The went straight down the hill to the water and started swimming. No idea where their mom is but hopefully they will be fine out there on the lake. Or maybe they'll end up right back in the truck and my dad will now be a grandpa of three baby ducks along with building a house! Who knows!! Pictures below....

Saturday, May 26, 2012

About Time To Start Building!

Well we're done with getting rid of the old cabin and now starting to build!! It's really exciting to see things happening to start! The city decided we needed a silt fence around the construction area to keep dirt and trash from going into the lake. So that is pictured in the first photo below. The rest of the photos are of the foundation/basement being dug out. They had to make the hole much bigger because the property is pretty much all sand and erosion will continue to make the hole smaller especially to how windy it has been.

Thanks for following along!!! Oh, and the last picture should have been posted a while ago. It it Our BUILDING PERMIT and let me say, they are hard to get up here in the north woods! Between getting the variance to build past the 50 feet of required space between the water and a building, to finalizing plans and making adjustments to fulfill building requirements. As some of you saw how the old house was supported (i added that picture also) these days the city requires a lot more thought into building a house!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Trees Are Down!

Welcome Back! Well now that the demo is done the trees that are in the way of the new house need to be cut down. We had a couple big pines that needed to be cut down along with a couple oaks. Pretty amazing having these trees come down! They will be used though, we are having them milled and made into lumber to use in the new house. Pictures Below!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cabin Demo

Hey Everyone! Well it's gone, we woke up early this morning to the big tractor driving down the road and as of 8 pm tonight the house is gone and now we have a giant hole in the ground. Talk about a mix of feelings today from everyone. We had many visitors come by and say one last goodbye to the cabin today also. There were sure more memories of summers and winters in the cabin than I ever imagined.

But anyway, the demo went great, Chris Weber Excavation of Niagara, Wisconsin took care of a two day job in one day! It's absolutely amazing to look up the hill and not see the cabin sitting there. My family and I have been coming here every summer since I can remember and one thing we always said when we got here was "Wow, this place never changes and just sits here all year till we are able to come back." Its a little hard to say it and take it to heart but this place has changed a lot in the last 12 hours.  There were many pictures taken but none of them serve it justice so I also have a time-lapse video posted on here as well.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So Far We're Doing Well!

Welcome back! Thanks for following along! Well we are now almost completely moved out and Its a really nice feeling to be close to the demo stage. Over the last couple days we have removed the wood paneling from the back bedroom, dug trenches to get water, power, sewer and telephone to the trailer, removed the wood paneling from the big family room, moved all of the furniture out of the house and down into the storage bins and got the camper trailer all ready to move into. Its been a fun couple of days but really long! I still stand by my hate for digging, especially trenches that you'll fill in the next day. Pictures Below! 

It the back bedroom we found some big bee hives in the walls.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Bridge Is In!!

Wooo!! So we got the bridge delivered today and everything went awesome and without problems! The same company who is doing the excavation and demo of our house also helped get the bridge off of the trailer and in place over the existing bridge. Which is awesome, because it doesn't effect the old bridge at all and the concrete and well drilling trucks can get over the channel with no problems! This is a big step! Also, in the terrible case we need a firetruck to our property and the properties around us they will now come! Over all a great day and the rain even stopped for the whole project. Off to find an RV! Thanks for following along!!! Here are some pictures of the day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finally starting!

So the work has begun! Starting off the project in the last couple days my father had to find the phone line, get the temporary power pole up and pull apart the deck. Pictures below :) More to come soon! The Bridge is getting delivered the 3rd so that'll be pretty exciting! 

Just another update, the storage containers were also delivered!