Thursday, June 27, 2013

Welcome Back!!!!

Welcome back everyone! So much is happening at the cabin now that its warming up! The kitchen is looking great and the inside paneling is also going up quickly! 

Pictures below!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wow! Look At That Deck! AND!!! Happy Fathers Day Dad!!!

Welcome back everyone! I found time to get an update done before work tonight. Starting at 11:30pm Yuck! Anyway, get ready for these pictures! The back deck is DONE, the kitchen deck is DONE! And the side deck is almost done! (We're waiting for the concrete deck to be put in for the basement door before we can put the final supports in. Check it out!

Happy Fathers Day Dad!!! Thank You For Everything!!!! Hope You Like It!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11th! More Items To Check Off The List!

Hello! So knowing it is 103° in Denver today I'm hiding out in the free wifi and air conditioning cloud of Barnes and Noble escaping the heat. While sitting here playing online I got some awesome pictures of the cabin. So first of all, the back deck is coming along very nicely especially thanks to to the help we have had!

We also have the kitchen deck done shown below

We ALSO have been working on the tile in the master bathroom and kitchen!!!

Its really starting to look like a house!!! Check back soon!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hello Again! June Is Turning Out To Be Very Busy!!


     We are getting a ton done this month and its only the 6th! So as I said before, we had to take the swing trees down sadly. We need them out of the way so we can get the well drilling truck in in hopes of finding water the second time around.

     Just some history about the swing trees, way back when there was a swing that was put up by my grandfather (maybe even my great-grandfather) and back in that time a swing was pretty fun knowing we didn't have smart phones yet! So over the years the original piece of wood rotted away and another was added when I was younger. Within my life is was much more than a swing. Fireworks were lit off of it (including the homemade one that made me loose much of my hair), it ended up to be were practically all the junk/toys in the front yard collected around and even where countless hours were spent just relaxing and taking in the view. Maybe one day these trees will end up cemented in the ground down by the lake and the swing returned to its original home. Time will tell...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's June! First Thing To Check Off *Siding* Soon!

Hey! So we're making progress on the east and north side siding! We had extra hep today and a lot got done! The "swing" trees are coming down because we need to get to the front yard with the well drilling truck (this go around it will be a bigger truck in hopes of finding some clear water)

Thanks For Following Along!!          -Alex