Friday, June 22, 2012

We Have Real Walls!! And Some Other Fun Stuff!!!

Welcome back! We have some of the walls for the main floor done and it looks awesome! Pictures below with captions this time!

The quote from my dad for this picture is "from this day on and forever more this will be "Mom's Corner". Or "grandma's corner". Mom designed this area with the windows for both views and she wanted them to be at side table height. She got what she asked for"

View from the hill

View from "Mom's Corner" towards long lake

Best view from a bathroom I've ever seen! 

View of the front corner, den/bedroom, main door from the lake and bathroom window

Crawlspace under the kitchen and laundry room. The garage will be to the right of this.

So this is a view from the dock towards east lake and the fire pit. Right behind the fire pit is a sight hill/ditch without any trees near it. 
So I suggested to my dad that since we don't have much of a yard at the top of the hill I wondered if we could add dirt down in this area so we could have a lawn/bigger fire area down by the dock. And sure enough, look where the dirt ended up! 

At the end of the day, we get to have a view like this. 

Happy Friday! Thanks for following along and have a great weekend!! 

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