Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We're Back In Business!!!

Welcome back! So my dad is getting better and the work continues! Basement doors are in along with the fireplace! So quick story about why the fireplace looks so unconventional. It is more of a wood burning fireplace to heat the main room. It has a built in fan that pulls in outside air, heats it and then blows it into the room, minus the smoke. Sooner or later there will be a beautiful mantle above it and a much nicer outside of it, even though the stainless steel look is the way to go these days (haha) anyway, enjoy the pictures below! Hopefully more updates soon!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

We've Hit a Snag! But Still Moving!

Hey everyone! Welcome back!

So first off, as of friday we're at a stand still with the cabin because my dad went to the hospital for his leg swelling up again, long story short he was bit by something about a month ago and then the bite got infected so he needed to get some real antibiotics via IV. From the sounds of it he'll be as good as new by next week and hopefully will be out tomorrow. So shoot some good thoughts to the U.P. for him! And thank you in advance! My mom's on her way back up to help out and soon the house will be back in full throttle to get the siding on before the weather changes!

Although I still have new pictures! Below we have the celling/roof over the deck.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So Much Progress!

Hey everyone! Welcome back and sorry about the lack of posts! So many things have been getting done and the house is looking great! Is so cool to se things getting done INSIDE! So theres pictures below with captions!

The roof is looking a lot better!!
 Kitchen sink plumbing
 Washer and dryer plumbing
 Master shower plumbing
 Beginning of fireplace hearth
  Beginning of fireplace hearth
 Soffit under the roof
 My mom's "walk by grab a towel shelves" have turned into a full blown linen closet
 Island frame, The top will extend quite a bit
 Soffit under the roof
 Putting in the natural gas line
 Natural gas line going down the road
 If you look closely in the corner is the gas meter
 Electrical box on the house
 Starting to run power in the garage
 Power outside the garage

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Shingles, Siding and Plumbing!

Hey everyone! Its been a rough couple of weeks up at the cabin. All of our help has moved on to other projects and its getting tougher. To make a long story short a couple of the roofing guys stopped working for the company so that was put on hold till two days ago. Only two guys were left and they started on the roof friday and got a lot done but it is still not done. But let me say, the roof and shingle color is perfect and its really looking more and more finished every day. Now one picture below shows the siding that was put on the side of the garage. This siding is not the siding that will be on the front and back of the house. But it is still wood. The main siding will actually be log siding, giving it the look of a log cabin on the outside and a normal house on the inside. Overall, for doing it completely by himself now, my dad is doing a fantastic job. Another picture below is of the kitchen floor where there will be cabinets and a island. Soon the plumber will start running the pipes to all of the various faucets and places where appliances will go. Many posts still to come in the near future and hopefully a finished roof! Thanks again for following along!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Front Porch! It's coming along!

Welcome back! I feel like it has been a while since I posted on here. My dad got a really bad spider bite a couple weeks ago but he kept working hard and getting things done! As of today we have the roof over the front and back porch which looks amazing! Coming up we'll be getting fake doors in all the doorways and the basement windows in so no critters get in the house. Enjoy the pictures below!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

One More Post For The Week!

Just a couple more pictures for you this week. Some cool views from the top and up to the loft! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Now We Have Doors!

Just a quick post for tonight, the glass doors were put in yesterday and man do they look nice! Check them out!

This is a sliding door that goes out to the "backyard" from the kitchen/living room
 Master Bedroom Sliding glass doors out to the Backyard
 Back of house, taken from the back driveway
 Looking from the front of the living room to the kitchen back door (right) and master bedroom door (left)