Thursday, November 22, 2012

Final Post For 2012 (Updated By The Builder Himself!)

Welcome back everyone! I hope you're having a great fall and a great thanksgiving today! I set my dad up on the blog tonight and he will hopefully catch you up on everything that has been happening with the cabin! A big thank you from me for following along this year! Have a great winter and very soon we will be back up north to finish up!  Alex
The answer to the question posed  on the last post of "will we hit water" is yes, there is more water then what we would need to run a house, but, it is not usable. It is to sandy and mucky to be filtered. Overall depth was 100' for this try. It is much to long of a story to tell in this forum. Let's just say, it was a long and frustrating 4 day process. Another attempt will need to be made next year. Jay spent the last 3 weeks there to get the exterior weather tight for winter, getting the milled lumber from our trees back from the kiln, staining and sealing all the installed exterior siding, some interior framing items, and stocking and hanging all the ceiling sheetrock (subs played a big part in some of those items). Pics are attached to show the sheetrock progress. Mary made her way out of there for her third time this year at the end of Sept. and Jay followed on Oct. 19th. Conventional wisdom and common practice for building "Up North", would be to close the place in with heat and work the interior during the winter. But, multiple events needed our attention back in Denver. The plan as of now is to return to the project sometime next March. Thanks again to the Denver crew that traveled North to help with the framing, all of the support and meals from the locals, Alex for his set up and maintaining this "blog", and many thanks to all of you that followed along from afar. Your interest, comments and compliments meant a great deal during this first phase. We will resume updates as  soon as we can next spring. 
Until then------Jay, Mary, Alex

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Will We Find Water? And Other Projects

Welcome back everyone!! Its been a while since my last post but I finally have found some time to update the blog! A ton has been happening with the building of the cabin and every day it is looking even closer to being done, on the outside at least! Also, as you can tell from the title of this post we are having a tough time finding water. Or at least clean water, we drilled 100' down and found tons of water but its very mucky and we are unable to filter. So on to plan b which is..... No idea yet.... So we'll keep you updated on the water issue as it comes to be! Below are some pictures of the house! All siding is done and even the celling drywall is getting done!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Fall! We're Still Working Hard!

Welcome back once again! The work is going very well even though it's getting colder! Pictures below!

Another big difference from home in colorado is different colors during fall!
Had the insulation guys here to start on the wall insulation the other day and they're about 1/3 done.

Colors from the back porch

More fall colors

Front of the house with siding finished, where the siding ends at the bottom will end up being a deck.

Front of house and garages
 Back of house with the one drive through garage.

Master bedroom, back of house siding getting done

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's Getting Cold Up Here!

Hey everyone! Sorry again for the delay in posts! The house is coming along very well! Below are pictures of the fireplace (in action) from the kitchen and from the loft, the new shower in front bathroom. and also the window in the loft from outside and in the loft! Enjoy!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Siding = Half Done!

Welcome back!!! Well talk about a busy week! Even Hawkeye was helping! Big shout out to my Uncle Kent again for helping us this last week! The siding in the front is done and it looks beautiful! Check it out below! Also the last picture is everything in the basement so far!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Forgot The Garage Doors!

Welcome back! Just a quick update today that I forgot about. We Got the garage doors put in! This is the first tim this property has ever had garage doors!