Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Big Update!!

WELCOME BACK!!! Sorry to everyone who has been checking back and not seeing an update! I've been enjoying the house first hand all week and it is beautiful!! I have a ton to say but ill add my thoughts at the bottom cause this post is from the builder himself! So on to him!!!

463 total days from demolition to move in. 160 of that away from the job, and we are not “finished yet”. Many small and aesthetic items are yet to be completed, and we are set up with only some of the furniture left from the old cottage.  Without question the longest I have ever been on one project my whole career. Quite possibly the hardest project I have ever worked on. Building up here was, “like building on the moon”. A great lack of available help for labor and carpenter types, minimal inventories , long lead times for materials, no sense of urgency on the subs part and water issues added to the length of the job. Were it not for Mary and Alex, who did not sign up for such a long and difficult process, and three amazing friends that came from Denver last summer as well as my brother, we could very well still be in construction mode. Mary continues to help put the pieces together to accomplish a finished cabin. Thanks also to our extended family up here for all the room and board provided during this period, all who came to view the process and progress from time to time and for all the encouraging words and observations. Thanks to all of you out there on the blog for following along. Thanks to Alex for his tech skills and artistry in keeping the blog current.

Mary and I will now try and settle into some normal day to day activities that our new location provides us, with some work mixed in. With any luck, we can now do what Mary requested all summer,” all I want to do is go fishing”.
Come for a visit. All the best----- J,M,& A


 Above: Dining Room

Below: Living Room 

Living Room

Master Bedroom


Kitchen To ---> Garage Door--->Laundry Room--->Front Bathroom

Our GIANT water system... Water comes in from well --->Into Sand filter (Coarse)-->Second Filter (Fine)---> Third Filter(Water Softener---> then a chemical is added to lower pH---> out to the house....

Stairs To Basement

Back Hallway To... Side Porch (White Door)-->Back Bathroom (Right Door)--->Towel Storage

Back Bathroom

2nd Bedroom

Master Bedroom and Private Master Deck

Master Bathroom

Coolest Shower EVER! Master Shower 


Looking Up To Loft

 Dining Room

Living Room

So.... We had a crazy storm Monday night....






We couldn't get out...

This tends to happen out in the woods. We had a Giant Oak tree fall on the road.

Which took out a Cedar tree


Hawkeye loved jumping over it though! 

And standing on it!!

Anyway! Thank you again for following along! We still have some blog updates coming but not as often, something about "we need to fish more" So as for now...

Gone Fishing.....

See you soon!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Carpet?!?! And Some Views!!

Hey Everyone! So lately we have had the carpet put in along with the water still being delt with its been busy! So some pictures below! Oh!!! And....... Tomorrow..... August 18th....... We have a final inspection for a certificate of occupancy!

View From the Dock

View From Driveway

View From Front Door

View From Kitchen Sink?!?!?!? Anyone Want To Come Do Dishes?!

Living Room Before Carpet

Carpet In Master Bedroom

Carpet In Loft..... In Progress

Carpet In Loft! Done!

Bathroom Sink??? Wooo!!

WE HAVE DISH NOW!!! It's an ordeal up in the middle of nowhere...... WITH TREES

Thanks For Checking Back!!!
See You Soon!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Just A Quick Update!

Hey Everyone! Well I just wanted to share some great pictures of the house with lights in it! and a not from my mom at the bottom! 

Hi all......our water dilemma continues........to make a long story short, a part in the new pump which runs the well failed, and started pumping sand.  us being city folks didn't realize this quick enough and as a result the sand has filled every crevice of our new pipes, toilets, sinks, etc.
My reaction was to cry, and Jay made a new record on distance that a hammer was thrown.
The good news is that the well company is here and are working to remedy all this mess, and to insure that this wont happen again. Also, the water tests good, except for an excess of iron which is typical up here, and is resolved with a water softener.  So we are 10 steps forward, and 5 back.
Be thankful for your city water!
If all goes well, we are scheduled for inspection for temporary move-in on August 18. 
We try to think positive, as we are ready to be done with this!!!!
Hope all,is well in your worlds

(Pictures Below)

Thanks Everyone for following along! It looks like my mom want to move in and cant until this water issue is taken care of, so send some good vibes their way! 

Have a great rest of your week and we'll check back in soon! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy August Everyone! We Got A Lot Done In July!

Welcome back everyone!!!!! So we got a ton done in July and it's starting to look like a real house!

So first off we have stairs to the loft finally! No more ladders!
 Stairs to the loft
 Hawkeye was so happy to finally get up to the loft
 View of stairs from the kitchen
 Countertop in the laundry room
 Kitchen counter being put in
 Counter on the island
 Kitchen counter
 Final picture of the countertops in the kitchen

Once the counters were in we finally could have the Appliances delivered! Thank you Karen at Sears Southglenn for dealing with us for a year trying to pick out the right appliances for our new house! They came on time, were easy to order and we're quite happy with everything we got! Thank you Again Karen!!! 

And that is it for now! The water has a lot of iron in it so we're in the process of installing a "water softener on steroids" and once that is in the carpet will come and we will be that much closer to MOVING IN!!!!

Thanks for following along!!!